Chapter 10: Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation Flashcards by vanessa schoenfeld


In addition to the rental payment, theLESSEEassumes all property charges such as taxes,insurance, and maintenance. Takeoverof a private company’s assets or operations by a government. AnINVENTORYaccountmade up of the balances of materials, parts, and supplies on hand at a given time. The price investors are willing to pay for ashareof stock on the openmarket. SECrequirement in financial reporting for an explanation bymanagementof significant changes in operations, ASSETS, andLIQUIDITY.

capital account

An economic resource that is expected to be of benefit in the future. Probable future economic benefits obtained as a result of past transactions or events. Any owned tangible or intangible object having economic value useful to the owner.

Safe Harbor Rule

Considered “non-investmentgrade” bonds, these SECURITIES ordinarilyyielda higher rate ofinteresttocompensatefor the additional risk. Method that determines thediscount rateat which thepresent valueof the futureCASH FLOWSwill exactly equal investmentoutlay. Process designed to providereasonable assuranceregarding achievement of variousmanagementobjectives such as the reliability of financial reports. FINANCIAL STATEMENTSthatreportthe operations of an entity for less than one year. Laborcosts forproduction-related activities that cannot be connected with or conveniently and economically traced to a specific end product.

accounting standards board

Revalues liabilities but not assets, and no goodwill is recorded. Liquidation expenses of $2,000 are paid; the partners now believe that only a maximum of $3,000 more will be expended in this manner. The original estimation of $6,000 was appar­ently too high.

Short Sale

If positive, the difference is called a debit balance; if negative, a credit balance. Audit The inspection of a business or other organization’s accounting records and procedures. Done by a trained accountant from within the organization or by an outsider for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and completeness of the records. Annuity Series of payments, usually payable at specified time intervals. Accounting Change Change in an accounting principle; an accounting estimate; or the reporting entity that necessitates disclosure and explanation in published financial reports.

  • Instead, a primary concern of the parties involved in any liquidation is the continuing changes in each partner’s capital balance.
  • Annuity Series of payments, usually payable at specified time intervals.
  • A summary showing the T-accounts for Printing Plus is presented in Figure 3.10.
  • Type of incorporatedorganizationin which nostockholderorTRUSTEEshares in profits or losses and which usually exists to accomplish some charitable, humanitarian, or educational purpose.
  • Netofcashreceipts and cash disbursements relating to a particular activity during a specifiedaccountingperiod.
  • It is characterized chiefly by inadvertence, thoughtlessness, inattention, and the like, while “wantonness” or “recklessness” is characterized by willfulness.

The key, of course – and one can see this when one considers how interest rates have changed during the past decade – is what is a suitable rate at which to discount. Certified Public Accountant A CPA is an accountant who has satisfied the educational, experience and examination requirements of his or her jurisdiction necessary to be certified as a public accountant. CPAs audit financial statements of both publicly and privately held companies. They serve as consultants in many areas, including tax, accounting, and financial planning.

Venture Capital

Used to measure the ability of ASSETS to generate operatingCASH FLOWS. LEASErecorded as anASSETacquisitionaccompanied by a correspondingLIABILITYby theLESSEE. Funds used by anot-for-profitorganizationtoaccountfor all resources used for the development of aland improvementor building addition or renovation. Collection of formal, written rules governing the conduct of aCORPORATION’S affairs .Bylawsare approved by a corporation’s stockholders, if a stock corporation, or other owners, if a non-stock corporation. Individuals responsible for overseeing the affairs of an entity, including the election of its officers.

  • Individuals responsible for overseeing the affairs of an entity, including the election of its officers.
  • Reporting to stockholders and the public, as opposed to internal reporting formanagement’s benefit.
  • Rules governing LLPs vary significantly from state to state.
  • The following $32,000 would be shared by Dancey, Reese, and Newman.

Because of the presence of other partnership accounting as well as liabilities, the beginning balances in Cash and in the capital accounts are not equal. Oct. 15 All remaining cash is distributed to the owners based on their final capital account balances. Remaining assets are distributed to partners based on their final capital balances. In its most basic sense, accounting describes the process of tracking an individual or company’s monetary transactions. Accountants record and analyze these transactions to generate an overall picture of their employer’s financial health. At a basic level, equity describes the amount of money that would remain if a business sold all its assets and paid off all its debts.

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